So You Want to Paint a Brick Wall?
I often get asked about how to paint a brick wall after people see our entry way and living room, where I spontaneously decided to paint it one day, in Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint!
*This post may contain affiliate links or links to products I am affiliated with.
1. Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint – A Lime Wash Type Finish
So to introduce the idea of painting your own brick wall that might be as outdated as I felt ours was at the time (below), check out the full blog post about my own feature walls HERE and how I used a Farmhouse White in Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint to freshen up these dark interior walls.
2. How to Paint a Brick Wall using German Smear Technique
I always want to pronounce “smear” like “shmear” when I say “German Smear” – ha. It sounds more German. I found this amazingly detailed post by Linda Brownell over on her website, entitled “9 Facts About German Smear Brick You Must Know”. She describes the differences between German Smear, Limewash, and Whitewash.
9 Things about German Smear Brick You Must Know
Here’s a great “before and after” example of German Smear used on one of Chip & Jo’s Magnolia homes:
3. Painting a Brick Fireplace Wall with Fusion Mineral Paint
Over on the Fusion Mineral Paint website you’ll find a number of great posts about all sorts of things that can be painted using this fabulous paint. In full disclosure, I became a retailer of Fusion Mineral Paint here in Australia a few years ago, when I fell in love with its great furniture painting qualities, especially that built in top coat. If you’re in Australia, you’ll find the full range of Fusion products in my “Product” tab above.
Debbie Hayes wrote a guest post for Fusion on painting a brick wall – well, a fireplace to be exact. Using Fusion’s colour, Sterling, she gave the brick wall a full solid coverage. This can be done with any colour really – the possibilities are many! Check out the full post here:
How to Paint a Brick Fireplace with Fusion Mineral Paint
4. A Faux Whitewashed Faux Brick Backsplash
Lauren from Bless’er House shared on REMODELaholic a great post about her dated tile back splash. She gave it a huge makeover using faux brick panels, then painted them with a white washed look. Click on Lauren’s image below to read the full post on how she achieved this fabulous look!
5. White Wash Effect on Brick Wall Fireplace using Chalk-type Paint
Similar to the above faux brick backsplash, this makeover via Jennifer Allwood’s blog The Magic Brush Inc, creates a “white wash” effect, but using a chalk type paint.
I love Jenn’s work. She’s an expert faux finisher and has painted just about every type of finish you can imagine. I love the change given to her client’s fireplace brick wall, but most of all, Jenn shows you how EASY it is to do with a little video tutorial within her post. What a great tip!
Check out her secret weapon here:
Painted Brick Fireplace
Before makeover (below). Click Jennifer’s image below to head to the post to see the after!
[Image: The Magic Brush Inc.]
Are you ready to paint your brick wall?
I hope you enjoyed these ideas! Let me know in the comments what you plan on doing to your own brick wall if you have some plans? Which idea or method appeals to you the most?
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