Eek, did I really just hit “Publish”?!

Oh boy, you guys, I had this big grand Christmas idea of something that would be totally fun, but now that I’ve done it, I’m feeling TOTALLY vulnerable and fearful about putting it out there! Can anyone relate?

Spotlight – 30% to 50% Off All Jolly & Joy Christmas

Well, here goes …

Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Pin this image to your Christmas Pinterest board.


For years I’ve had the thought of actually recording a Christmas song or two. I was a singer in a former era of my life … well, I say “was”, but I have recently joined the choir of our new church, and enjoying re-gaining my courage to sing in front of people again. But to be honest, it’s a bit daunting when you haven’t sung “properly” for years and you try to get back in the saddle again. These old vocal chords are a bit rusty and ‘aint what they used to be. Haha.

But, alas, I went for it.

Not only did I record a Christmas song, but I totally re-vamped the lyrics of this little number and made it totally relatable to many of my fellow Paint retailers and Furniture painter sista’s out there. I hope you get a happy kick out of it, and if it brings a smile to your dial, or a “Oh my, she’s crazy!” – then I’ve accomplished my mission.

See if you can pick out a ‘lil mention of a couple of names of owners from my favourite paint brands somewhere in the lyrics. (wink, wink).

Anyway, without further ado, I present to you: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (I Restore Stuff Style)

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas - I Restore Stuff Style!

As noted in the credits, I’d like to thank the wonderful staff and various booths at the Camp Hill Antiques Centre & Tart Cafe for allowing me to film in their beautiful antique warehouse. It’s such a great place to hang out, so if you’re ever in Brisbane, do go and check them out and you MUST stay for a beautiful cafe dining experience in their vintage diner (great coffee, too)!

Huge thanks to my wonderful husband, Marty, too, who always cheers me on, gives great, creative direction and makes crazy ideas come to reality. I love working together with him on these fun projects!

My daughter, Tori also helped on set in my workshop AND with the post production clean up – you’ll see what I mean if you’ve watched the clip. (eek – Fusion Mineral Paint – the name says it all). Thanks to my two girls, for not being too embarrassed by your mum’s silly ideas.

How’re your Christmas plans going? What projects are you working on? Feel free to comment below, or join me over in my Facebook Group: I Restore Stuff – You Can Too. I’d love you to share your work with our community.